Episode 11: Casper Wilstrup | Say goodbye to blackbox AI: Solve complex high-risk problems using symbolic AI

If you asked AI to solve a Rubik’s cube, wouldn’t it be nice to understand all the steps it took to achieve the goal?

In this episode, you will meet the other half of  AI: symbolic AI. It gives a step-by-step procedure that leads to its final answer. As pointed out by Abzu’s founder and CEO, Casper Wilstrup, symbolic AI helps pharmaceutical, financial, manufacturing, and logistical companies solve hard problems with confidence. 

Listen to this episode if you’re interested on answering the WHY to your unsolvable business problems using trustworthy and explainable AI.

Who is Casper Wilstrup?

Casper is the founder and CEO of Abzu®, the Danish/Spanish research startup that builds trustworthy AI to tackle high-risk challenges. Casper is the inventor of the QLattice® symbolic AI algorithm, an explainable AI that rationally reasons and makes evidence-based decisions. He has 20+ years of experience building large scale systems for data processing, analysis, and AI, and is passionate about the impact of AI on knowledge work and the intersection of AI with philosophy and ethics.


Music credits: storyblocks.com

Logo credits: Joshua Coleman, Unsplash

Where to find Casper Wilstrup:


AI and Digital Transformation Podcast -Say goodbye to blackbox AI: Solve complex high-risk problems using symbolic AI with Casper Wilstrup


Show Notes:


Episode 12: Duarte Carmo | Building an all-purpose search engine for your business: a bad Frankenstein idea or a perfect Swiss knife?


Episode 10: Tim Leers | LLMs are not magic: Finding ways to make AI generate trustworthy content